How long do custom wedding invitations take?

boston wedding invitation designer

“It takes HOW LONG to design custom wedding invitations???” - this may have been your reaction when reaching out to a stationer for your wedding invitations. While every stationer is different, it can take a long time to design invites, especially depending on what you are looking for. Here at PBDS we suggest starting work on your invitations 6 months at the latest, preferably 10-12 months out.

Let’s get into why it takes so long to design custom wedding invitations.

  1. The brainstorming phase:

When designing custom invitations, I really like to get to know you as a couple. We start with a consult where we can meet each other and I can hear all about your vision. Then I send along a questionnaire where we dive even deeper into what you would love to see on your stationery, as well as what you don’t! We also discuss wording for your invitations.

If you have any questions along the way, I am always here to help whether that’s understanding printing types, etiquette, or timeline questions. While this is a crucial part of the process, it can take a few days to sync up our schedules and find the right time to meet, so this does add to the timeline.

2. The sketching phase:

All of my work starts with a sketch. It helps me figure out the placement of the artwork and all of the wording. It also gives you an idea of where I’m headed with the design. This process can take a few days depending on how quickly the client approves the sketch.  Once they approve it, we’re onto the main phase…

boston venue painting

3. Artwork and design phase:

This is when I create everything from scratch. This phase takes the longest. We paint and calligraph everything by hand so there is no shortcut to this. Everything is custom to you and your wedding. We devote a lot of time and attention to this process as it is the most important. Depending on how many pieces you request and which watercolor artwork you choose, this can take about a month.

Part of this phase also includes client feedback and revisions. We offer unlimited revisions so how long we take on this phase is really dependent on that. We will draw attention to your timeline if a revision may take too long or we’re cutting it close.

When you add the artwork and design phase plus all the revisions, this phase can take up to 2 months.

4. Production phase:

This is when we get started on printing all of the stationery! The timeline of this phase can vary depending on which printing type the client chooses. If we are going with letterpress or foil, that will take longer than digitally/flat printing. If we are hand-calligraphing your envelope addresses, this also will take longer than printed addresses.

This is also when we order all of the embellishments like ribbon, wax seals, etc.

All of this can take about a month.

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Wanna save this for later?! Pin this image!! 📌

5. Assembly phase:

Once we have everything printed and all of the embellishments are in our hands, we begin assembly. Again, as with all of the other phases, this will depend on how many pieces the client ordered, the types of embellishments, as well as the guest number.

This phase can include anything from envelope liner assembly to wax seals and gold foiling. Some of these things even require hands-off time like, allowing for glue to set, or anything of that sort.

The assembly phase can take 2-3 weeks. 

6. Mailing phase:

While we don’t offer mailing to guests for our clients yet, we do mail your invitations to you all packaged up ready for you to just seal and mail! We also include some extra goodies in there that will make life easier for you.

Mailing your invitation package can take about 1-2 weeks.

There you have it! This is why custom takes so long. All of these timeline numbers can vary wildly. Some couples are quicker to respond than others, and we also may be in our busy season. It all depends, but we would hate for you to rush through this process as it’s such a special time in your lives. This is why we recommend getting started earlier and enjoying every minute!

If you are interested in seeing what we can do for your wedding, click the button below and book a free consult!


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